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Five Photos to Take Before Summer Ends

Five Photos to Take Before Summer Ends
Five Photos to Take Before Summer Ends

Fall is right around the corner, but there are still a few precious weeks of summer left. Before you start busting out those sweaters and jackets, make sure to capture these five scenes to document the summer.

1. At the Beach

Make your hands into a cup and scoop up some sand. Relax your fingers and look down. You'll have formed a heart! Stand next to the water and have someone snap a photo with the blue sky and the waves visible. Have the whole family try it and create a sand heart photo series.

2. On Vacation

When you're touring a local landmark or one of those wonders of the world, stop to snap a special kind of photo. Stand far enough away from the building or statue that the entire object will fit in the photo frame. If you hold out your hand at the right angle, it will look like you're cradling the entire monument in your palm. Let each member of the family try it at different spots on your itinerary for a fun twist on the usual sight-seeing travel photos.

3. In a Sunny

Spot Capture the glow of sunbeams, so you can remember the warmth of the season once winter arrives. Stand so that a person or object is between you and the sun. Their silhouette will offset the sunlight, making it stand out. Set the aperture to f/16 or f/22. The higher the f-stop setting, the more vivid the sun will appear.

4. In Your Backyard

Grab those leftover sparklers from the Fourth of July and write words backwards with them in the air. Set the camera shutter speed to five seconds and place it on a tripod to create cool sparkler word effects. You can write the greeting for a card, have all members of the family write their names, or draw the silhouette of a Founding Father.

5. Anywhere Outdoors

Try this new twist on landscape or sunset photography. Place a pair of sunglasses in a spot where they will reflect a picturesque scene. Snap a picture of the glasses at an angle to capture the reflection and then snap an actual photo of the scene.

You can turn the pictures from your summer shoots into Photo Books, Photo Cards, Prints and more by uploading them to Walgreens Photo or the mobile app.